Security News
The Adobe Flash zero-day (CVE-2015-5119) exploit found in the Hacking Team's leaked data has already been added to several exploit kits, but Trend Micro researchers have found evidence of it being use...
With cyber attacks and data security threats looming at insecure access points, the increased scrutiny of regulators and the focused attention of boards of directors, the outsourcing of critical servi...
Bitglass has been granted a patent for its searchable full-strength 256-bit AES encryption for cloud applications. The technology, covered by US Patent 9,047,480, is immediately available in Bitglass ...
Great companies see business risks as opportunities, and execute strategies accordingly. Such a mentality is compatible with emerging technologies. IT plays a vital role in the deployment of new strat...
The growth of cyber-crime and the impact of successful attacks on an organization's bottom-line should not be underestimated; it is anticipated that data breaches will cost businesses up to £1.3t...