Security News

D-Link accidentally leaks code-signing certs in its firmware (Help Net Security)
2015-09-18 10:52

Malware peddlers don't always have to steal or buy (from sellers on underground forums) legitimate and valid code-signing certificates to sign their malware with - sometimes the certificates can be fo...

Smart Watch that Monitors Typing (Schneier on Security)
2015-09-18 10:20

Here's a watch that monitors the movements of your hand and can guess what you're typing. Using the watch's built-in motion sensors, more specifically data from the accelerometer and gyroscope,...

Data security for the borderless enterprise (Help Net Security)
2015-09-18 10:00

With the advent of cloud computing, social media and mobility, data is moving and proliferating at pace across borders, platforms and applications, very rarely staying within the secure parameters of ...

Critical Bugzilla flaw allows access to unpatched vulnerability information (Help Net Security)
2015-09-18 08:46

Mozilla has patched a critical vulnerability (CVE-2015-4499) in its popular open source bug-tracking Bugzilla software - a vulnerability that can be exploited by attackers to gain access to informatio...

Information security: A key issue in the 2016 presidential campaign? (Help Net Security)
2015-09-18 07:33

As the number and scale of data breaches continue to grow, cybersecurity issues are becoming part of our national discourse. The topic is already a key issue for the 2016 presidential campaign, and vo...