Security News

Other Attempts to Take Over Open Source Projects
2024-04-18 11:06

Winter April 18, 2024 7:59 AM. OpenJS could to be the wrong target as there seem to be several developers with visibility involved. I am more concerned about 1/2 overworked developer projects that are mainly in maintenance mode.

Damn Vulnerable RESTaurant: Open-source API service designed for learning
2024-04-17 04:00

Damn Vulnerable RESTaurant is an open-source project that allows developers to learn to identify and fix security vulnerabilities in their code through an interactive game. "I wanted to create a generic playground for ethical hackers, developers, and security engineers where they could identify, exploit, or fix vulnerabilities. Furthermore, security engineers could implement new vulns and test their detection tools because the Python FastAPI framework allows quick development," Krzysztof Pranczk, the creator of Damn Vulnerable RESTaurant, told Help Net Security.

New open-source project takeover attacks spotted, stymied
2024-04-16 13:07

"The OpenJS Foundation Cross Project Council received a suspicious series of emails with similar messages, bearing different names and overlapping GitHub-associated emails," OpenJS Foundation and Open Source Security Foundation leaders shared on Monday. "These emails implored OpenJS to take action to update one of its popular JavaScript projects to 'address any critical vulnerabilities,' yet cited no specifics. The email author(s) wanted OpenJS to designate them as a new maintainer of the project despite having little prior involvement."

Zarf: Open-source continuous software delivery on disconnected networks
2024-04-15 03:30

Zarf is a free, open-source tool that enables continuous software delivery on disconnected networks. Unlike proprietary software, Zarf avoids vendor lock-in, allowing easy removal and manual deployment.

4 Best Open Source Password Managers for Teams in 2024
2024-04-11 11:16

Open source password managers make their code accessible to the public, allowing users to customize the software to suit their needs. With that, I've created a list of the best open source password managers for teams and businesses.

Graylog: Open-source log management
2024-04-11 04:00

Please turn on your JavaScript for this page to function normally. Graylog is an open-source solution with centralized log management capabilities.

6 Best Open Source Password Managers for Mac in 2024
2024-04-10 10:27

While proprietary password managers offer convenience, open source alternatives provide transparency by allowing public scrutiny of their code, ensuring trustworthiness and strong security measures. Open source password managers grant users complete control over their data, reducing potential privacy concerns associated with closed-source software.

6 Best Open Source Password Managers for Windows in 2024
2024-04-09 10:29

While closed-source password managers don't publicly share their codes for users to modify, open-source password managers do share their codes with a community of users to revise or update over time. Top open-source password managers for Windows comparison table.

EJBCA: Open-source public key infrastructure (PKI), certificate authority (CA)
2024-04-09 04:30

It can handle almost anything, and someone once called it the kitchen sink of PKI. With its extensive history as one of the longest-standing CA software projects, EJBCA offers proven robustness, reliability, and adaptability. "EJBCA was created as an open-source project. The first version of the software was released as open source in December 2001. The ability to make a living from working with it and form a good company with many developers working on open source came later when the co-founders of PrimeKey and I realized that it was something we could do," Tomas Gustavsson, the creator of EJBCA, told Help Net Security.

What can be done to protect open source devs from next xz backdoor drama?
2024-04-06 16:12

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