Security News

Facebooker swatted, Kaspersky snares an NSA thief, NASA server exposed, and more
2019-01-12 10:30

Plus, Vita boot ROM caper, TCL caught slinging Android malware, etc Roundup This week we saw a Huawei official cuffed (again), telcos caught selling tracking data (again) and Microsoft patching...

Blacklisted Kaspersky Tipped NSA on Security Breach: Media
2019-01-11 05:41

The computer security firm Kaspersky Labs helped the US NSA spy agency uncover one of its worst-ever security breaches -- one year before the US banned the company's products for government use,...

Turns Out Kaspersky Labs Helped FBI Catch Alleged NSA Leaker
2019-01-10 07:18

Remember "The Shadow Brokers" and the arrest of a former NSA contractor accused of stealing 50 Terabytes of top secret documents from the intelligence agency? It turns out that, Kaspersky Lab,...

NSA to Release Reverse Engineering Tool for Free Public Use
2019-01-07 14:00

The United States National Security Agency (NSA) plans to make a reverse engineering tool that it has developed available for free public use in the coming months.  read more

NSA to release its GHIDRA reverse engineering tool for free
2019-01-07 09:48

The United States' National Security Agency (NSA) is planning to release its internally developed reverse engineering tool for free at the upcoming RSA security conference 2019 that will be held...

New Crypto-Mining Attacks Leverage NSA-Linked EternalBlue Exploit
2019-01-03 15:57

A new version of the NRSMiner is actively spreading in the southern region of Asia. The majority of detections (54%) have been found in Vietnam, followed by Iran (16%) and Malaysia (12%). The new...

Back Issues of the NSA's Cryptolog
2018-12-07 18:06

Five years ago, the NSA published 23 years of its internal magazine, Cryptolog. There were lots of redactions, of course. What's new is a nice user interface for the issues, noting highlights and...

UK Spy Agency Joins NSA in Sharing Zero-Day Disclosure Process
2018-12-06 12:53

GCHQ Joins the NSA in Publishing its Vulnerabilities Equities Process read more

Router attack exploits UPnP and NSA malware to target PCs
2018-12-03 12:35

The UPnProxy router compromise uncovered earlier in 2018 is now being used to attack computers on networks connected to the same gateways.

Hackers Using NSA Hacking Tools to Build Botnet
2018-11-30 20:15

A Quarter Million Devices Vulnerable to UPnProxy Botnet More than 270,000 Internet-connected devices run vulnerable implementations of UPnP and are susceptible to becoming part of a multi-purpose...