Security News

Microsoft remains the most impersonated brand, Netflix phishing spikes
2019-01-24 06:30

Although Microsoft remains the top target for phishers, Netflix saw an incredible surge in Dec., making it the second most impersonated brand in Q4 2018, according to Vade Secure. Microsoft...

FTC Warns of Netflix Phishing Scam Making Rounds
2018-12-27 13:52

The scam targets Netflix users and asks for payment information.

Netflix releases desktop versions of device security app Stethoscope
2018-11-05 13:58

In early 2017, the Netflix team open sourced Stethoscope, an application that collects information about users’ devices and provides them with recommendations for securing them. At the time, the...

Warning issued as Netflix subscribers hit by phishing attack
2018-09-21 11:08

Netflix phishing scammers are at it again, sending emails that try to steal sensitive details from subscribers.

Netflix, HBO GO, Hulu passwords found for sale on the Dark Web
2018-08-22 10:57

On average, they're fetching $8.71 (about £6.60) for one-time use, though some sellers are also selling bundles of accounts at higher prices.

Business pros beware: Phishing attacks are impersonating Netflix and Citibank
2018-06-25 15:05

Phishing attacks via email have increased in the past couple months. Here are the latest tactics cybercriminals are using and how to protect yourself.

New Phishing Scam Reels in Netflix Users to TLS-Certified Sites
2018-06-20 19:43

Researchers are warning of a new Netflix phishing scam that leads to sites with valid TLS certificates.

Gmail is secure. Netflix is secure. Together they're a phishing threat
2018-04-10 07:02

Google doesn't recognise dots in email addresses, which creates an opportunity for evil A developer has discovered that Gmail's email handling creates a handy phishing vector to attack Netflix customers.…

Netflix, Dropbox promise not to sue security researchers, with caveats
2018-03-23 20:26

Netflix and Dropbox have both noted recently that they won’t sue security researchers who find and disclose vulnerabilities in their products. The only caveat is: the researchers must conduct the...

Netflix Launches Public Bug Bounty Program
2018-03-22 12:42

Netflix announced on Wednesday the launch of a public bug bounty program with rewards of up to $15,000, and Dropbox has made some changes to its vulnerability disclosure policy, promising not to...