Security News

Macro-Based Multi-Stage Attack Delivers Password Stealer
2018-02-19 18:27

A malicious attack uses a multi-stage infection to deploy malware that is capable of stealing passwords from various applications on a victim’s computer, Trustwave reports. read more

Multi-Stage Android Malware Evades Google Play Detection
2017-11-15 14:53

A newly discovered multi-stage Android malware that managed to sneak into Google Play is using advanced anti-detection features, ESET security researchers reveal. read more

Open Security Controller: Security service orchestration for multi-cloud environments (Help Net Security)
2017-06-29 12:00

The Linux Foundation launched the Open Security Controller project, an open source project focused on centralizing security services orchestration for multi-cloud environments. Open Security...

How to Speed Up Firefox With Multi-Process, If It's Not Working By Default (The Hackers News)
2017-06-19 01:43

After years of waiting, Mozilla last week launched Firefox 54 for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android, with multi-process support — a "major improvement" to improve your browsing experience — but...