Security News

Microsoft Bundles Worm with IIS
2001-08-06 08:17

Forwarded by: Barry Gill [Its dated July 19th, but lately its a timeless joke. - WK] Redmond, WA - Microsoft announced that it bundled a worm with its...

FC: Why all Microsoft sites went offline today: Some              theories
2001-01-25 09:16

---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 18:13:06 -0500 From: Declan McCullagh To: politech () politechbot com Subject: FC: Why all Microsoft sites went offline today: Some...

Microsoft's NZ Website Hacked
2001-01-24 08:05 24 January 2001 Users of Microsoft's Internet server software ought to be a little more worried today. In the wee small hours of this morning, a hacker...

Worm thought to have been used against Microsoft had links              to              Chinese system
2001-01-18 08:57,1199,NAV47_STO56474,00.html By DAN VERTON January 17, 2001 Some security analysts now say that a worm thought to have been used by malicious hackers who...

Think tank warns that Microsoft hack could pose national              security              risk
2000-12-28 09:24,1199,NAV47_STO55656,00.html?OpenDocument&~f By DAN VERTON December 27, 2000 Although Microsoft Corp. has denied that the hacker who penetrated its network...

Microsoft Security Exec Sees Improvements
2000-07-26 08:10,1510,17825,00.html The company has taken several steps, including faster distribution of software patches, he says. by Gary H. Anthes, Computerworld July...

Love Bug Prompts Security Experts To Poke at Microsoft's              Weak              Points
2000-05-24 18:01

Forwarded by: Marjorie Simmons Love Bug Prompts Security Experts To Poke at Microsoft's Weak Points Lee Gomes, Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL...