Security News

Digitally signed spam campaign spotted delivering malware (Help Net Security)
2015-11-11 14:41

We've all heard about digitally signed malware, but have you ever been targeted with a digitally signed spam email? Someone did, and has shared the signature notice with the public: Just received ...

Linux Encoder victims catch a lucky break: a flaw in the malware means no ransom has to be paid (Help Net Security)
2015-11-10 11:54

The recently spotted Linux Encoder crypto-ransomware is very disruptive, but the good news is that the malware makers have made a mistake that allowed Bitdefender researchers to recover the AES encryp...

The Economist urges readers to check it they were saddled with malware (Help Net Security)
2015-11-09 12:38

Popular UK-based news outfit The Economist - or rather, some of its online readers - have become the latest confirmed victims of an attack executed by hacking anti-adblocking service PageFair. "If ...

Cheap OmniRAT malware used to spy on Android, Windows, Linux, Mac devices (Help Net Security)
2015-11-06 09:29

European law enforcement agencies recently targeted users of the DroidJack mobile phone RAT, and likely made other would-be users refrain from buying and using that particular piece of malware. Luc...