Security News

China thrilled it captured already-leaked NSA cyber-weapon
2022-03-14 19:28

China claims it has obtained a sample of malware used by the NSA to steal files, monitor and redirect network traffic, and remotely control computers to spy on foreign targets. The NSA apparently used NOPEN to take over "a large number" of computers around the world, and the theft of data from this equipment has caused "Inestimable losses," the tabloid reported.

Analysis of leaked Conti files blows lid off ransomware gang
2022-03-11 00:30

It was a Ukrainian security specialist who apparently turned the tables on the notorious Russia-based Conti, and leaked the ransomware gang's source code, chat logs, and tons of other sensitive data about the gang's operations, tools, and costs. The security vendor provided a detailed Conti org chart that shows Stern, "The big boss," at the top with henchmen responsible for HR and recruitment, blogging and negotiating, training, and blockchain wrangling, plus teams underneath.

Leaked stolen Nvidia key can sign Windows malware
2022-03-05 04:09

An Nvidia code-signing certificate was among the mountain of files stolen and leaked online by criminals who ransacked the GPU giant's internal systems. At least two binaries not developed by Nvidia, but signed this week with its stolen cert, making them appear to be Nvidia programs, have appeared in malware sample database VirusTotal.

Conti Ransomware Gang's Internal Chats Leaked Online After Siding With Russia
2022-03-03 20:29

Days after the Conti ransomware group broadcasted a pro-Russian message pledging its allegiance to Vladimir Putin's ongoing invasion of Ukraine, a disgruntled member of the cartel has leaked the syndicate's internal chats. The file dump, published by malware research group VX-Underground, is said to contain 13 months of chat logs between affiliates and administrators of the Russia-affiliated ransomware group from January 2021 to February 2022, in a move that's expected to offer unprecedented insight into the gang's workings.

Details of '120,000 Russian soldiers' leaked by Ukrainian media
2022-03-02 19:59

Ukrainian news agency Ukrainska Pravda has claimed the nation's Centre for Defence Strategies think tank has obtained the online personal details of 120,000 Russian servicemen fighting in Ukraine. The Ukrainian news agency said the think tank obtained the personnel records from "Reliable sources." Whether or not the database is real, the impact on Russian military morale - knowing that your country's enemies have your personal details and can contact your family if you're captured, killed, or even still alive - won't be insignificant.

Conti Ransomware Decryptor, TrickBot Source Code Leaked
2022-03-02 18:14

The pro-Ukraine member of the Conti ransomware gang who promised to eviscerate the extortionists after they pledged support for the Russian government has spilled yet more Conti guts: The latest dump includes source code for Conti ransomware, TrickBot malware, a decryptor and the gang's administrative panels, among other core secrets. On Monday, vx-underground - an internet collection of malware source code, samples and papers that's generally considered to be a benign entity - shared on Twitter a message from a Conti member saying that "This is a friendly heads-up that the Conti gang has just lost all their sht."

Conti ransomware gang's source code leaked
2022-03-02 17:35

Infamous ransomware group Conti is now the target of cyberattacks in the wake of its announcement late last week that it fully supports Russia's ongoing invasion of neighboring Ukraine, with the latest hit being the leaking of its source code for the public to see. The researcher leaked 393 JSON files containing more than 60,000 internal messages that reported were taken from the Conti and Ryuk ransomware gang's private XMPP chat server.

Conti Ransomware source code leaked by Ukrainian researcher
2022-03-01 22:24

A Ukrainian researcher continues to deal devastating blows to the Conti ransomware operation, leaking further internal conversations, as well as the source for their ransomware, administrative panels, and more.On Monday, the researcher kept leaking more damaging Conti data, including an additional 148 JSON files containing 107,000 internal messages since June 2020, which is around when the Conti ransomware operation was first launched.

Conti ransomware's internal chats leaked after siding with Russia
2022-02-28 04:23

An angry member of the Conti ransomware operation has leaked over 60,000 private messages after the gang sided with Russia over the invasion of Ukraine. AdvIntel CEO Vitali Kremez, who has been tracking the Conti/TrickBot operation over the last couple of years, also confirmed to BleepingComputer that the leaked messages are valid and were taken from a log server for the Jabber communication system used by the ransomware gang.

San Francisco 49ers catch ransomware, sample files leaked online
2022-02-14 22:10

American football team the San Francisco 49ers have been hit by ransomware, with the criminals responsible claiming to have stolen corporate data and threatened to publish it. Calling itself Blackbyte, the ransomware gang responsible published samples of stolen documents on a dark web blog over the weekend, as seen by The Register.