Security News

Researcher Finds Intel's Previous Management Engine Patches Weren't FoolproofIntel has had a challenging time of late on the vulnerability front. It has issued yet another patch for its Management...

Prosecutors rub their hands with glee British Airways faces a £500m lawsuit over its recent mega-breach that exposed payment card details of 380,000 customers.…

The irony: Parents put it on kids' phones to protect them, but this breach exposed sensitive data including Whatsapp and Facebook messages.

mSpy, the makers of a software-as-a-service product that claims to help more than a million paying customers spy on the mobile devices of their kids and partners, has leaked millions of sensitive...

A vulnerability in the Android operating system can be used to track users without their knowledge.

Shanghai police said they were investigating a suspected data leak at NASDAQ-listed Chinese hotelier Huazhu Group, the local partner of France-based AccorHotels. read more

Several developer tools capture a screen as an app crashes and send it to a third-party server creating a risk of corporate data leakage.

Analytics, advertising and other web scripts can capture information housed in user confirmations for flight bookings, food delivery, medical testing and more.

An activist has just leaked thousands of private messages of an organization that's been known to publishing others' secrets. More than 11,000 direct messages from a Twitter group used by...