Security News

Trump Signs Repeal of ISP Privacy Rules (Threatpost)
2017-04-04 18:59

President Trump signed a resolution to complete the overturning of internet privacy protections that would of prevented ISPs from tracking you online without first asking users to opt-in.

Industry Braces for Repeal of ISP Privacy Rules (Threatpost)
2017-03-30 10:00

Businesses say overturning one of the nation’s strongest internet privacy protection rules will deal a blow to data privacy, security and integrity for businesses and consumers alike.

US Congress votes for ISPs to be able to sell customers’ info and browsing history (Help Net Security)
2017-03-29 21:20

After the US Senate, the US House of Representatives has voted on whether the privacy rules imposed late last year by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on Internet service providers...