Security News

India-linked highly targeted mobile malware campaign, first unveiled two weeks ago, has been found to be part of a broader campaign targeting multiple platforms, including windows devices and...

Recently, Apple introduced restricted mode to protect iPhones from attacks by companies like Cellebrite and Greyshift, which allow attackers to recover information from a phone without the...

The latest version of iOS includes bug fixes and at least one new feature that might be of interest to security-minded users.

Cyberattackers have used a bogus mobile device management (MDM) system to target a small – but presumably high-value – set of iPhones in India in a cyberespionage campaign that has some unusual hallmarks.

Recently discovered cyber attacks targeting iPhone users have been using an open source mobile device management (MDM) system to control enrolled devices, Talos reports. read more

A number of iPhone X users say the phone's Face ID doesn't recognize them when they first wake up in the morning. Here's why.

Baker's dozen pwned by tricksy attack Enterprise iPhone users in India have been targeted through a sophisticated and highly targeted attack run through bogus Mobile Device Management (MDM) servers.…

Security researchers have uncovered a "highly targeted" mobile malware campaign that has been operating since August 2015 and found spying on 13 selected iPhones in India. The attackers, who are...

Apple has officially added a controversial security feature, USB Restricted Mode, to iPhones as part of its new iOS 11.4.1, released on Monday.

Plus: Our tip on keeping Mac files encrypted Roundup This week you had to deal with AI security panic, fake Fortnite, and, if you use OpenBSD, the end of Intel HyperThread support…