Security News

One Million Exposed to Adware via Hijacked Chrome Extension (Security Week)
2017-08-04 15:54

Over one million users were exposed to adware after the developer of a highly popular Chrome extension fell victim to a phishing attack. read more

Another popular Chrome extension hijacked through phishing (Help Net Security)
2017-08-03 17:32

Chris Pederick, the creator and maintainer of the Web Developer for Chrome extension, is the latest victim of attackers who hijack popular Chrome add-ons in order to push ads onto users. The...

Hackers Hijacked Chrome Extension for Web Developers With Over 1 Million Users (The Hackers News)
2017-08-03 02:27

From past few years, spammers and cyber criminals were buying web extensions from their developers and then updating them without informing their users to inject bulk advertisements into every...

Copyfish Browser Extension Hijacked to Spew Spam (Threatpost)
2017-08-01 12:00

Makers of Copyfish OCR software get taken on wild ride after code for its Chrome extension is stolen.

Hundreds of Domains Hijacked From French Registrar Gandi (Security Week)
2017-07-17 09:55

Hundreds of domains were hijacked earlier this month and redirected to an exploit kit landing page as part of an attack targeting the French domain name registrar and hosting services provider...

751 domains hijacked to redirect visitors to exploit kit (Help Net Security)
2017-07-14 16:44

An unknown attacker has managed to modify the name servers assigned to 751 domains, which resulted in some visitors to the hijacked domains being redirected to a site hosting the Rig Exploit Kit...

Thousands of IP Cameras Hijacked by Persirai, Other IoT Botnets (Security Week)
2017-06-09 16:44

Thousands of IP cameras have been hijacked by Internet of Things (IoT) botnets and data from Trend Micro shows that the recently launched Persirai malware is responsible for a large percentage of...