Security News [Funny thing is I used to get the mi2g news alerts all the time, but it abruptly stopped because they either got sick of me replying...,10801,88348,00.html by Linda Rosencrance DECEMBER 17, 2003 COMPUTERWORLD Thirteen NASA Web sites were defaced this morning... Brisbane November 18, 2003 A teenager has faced court in Brisbane on charges of hacking into the computer systems of the world-renowned...

Forwarded from: William Knowles By Online Staff November 4, 2003 A website run by Israel's Mossad intelligence agency to recruit agents...,,10_1024491,00.html By Bob Woods April 29, 2002 Users of America Online's instant-messaging program and system were unwittingly connected to...,4125,NAV47_STO68450,00.html By SAM COSTELLO IDG NEWS SERVICE February 19, 2002 Lockstep Systems Inc. Tuesday announced a new version of its WebAgain...,,10_723761,00.html By Brian McWilliams March 26, 2001 DoubleClick confirmed Monday that two of its web sites have been penetrated by attackers. The... 24 January 2001 Users of Microsoft's Internet server software ought to be a little more worried today. In the wee small hours of this morning, a hacker... James Middleton 08 Jan 2001 The year 2000 saw Windows NT steaming ahead yet again as the most hacked web server operating system, after a majority of...

[Young Mr. Vranesevich must be taking correspondence courses from the same school that churns out Microsoft spokespeople, Since it was a little more two days over the thirty minutes that...