Security News
The popular UAE-developed mobile application ToTok has returned to the Google Play Store after it was removed on claims it was being used for government spying, the company said Saturday. Google and Apple removed the app from their online marketplaces last month after The New York Times reported ToTok allowed the UAE government to track the conversations, movements and other details of people who installed it on their phone.
Labeled "StrandHogg," the vulnerability discovered by the mobile security vendor Promon could give hackers access to users' photos, contacts, phone logs, and more.
Check Point researchers found that hundreds of marquee Android mobile apps still contain vulnerabilities that allow remote code executive even if users update.
Google has partnered with mobile security companies ESET, Lookout and Zimperium to identify potentially harmful and unwanted apps before they are listed on Google Play. “The Android ecosystem is...
Tens of adware-carrying Android applications gathered 8 million installs on Google Play before being taken down, ESET reports. read more
Fake Apps Downloaded More Than 8 Million Times, ESET Researchers SaySome 42 apps that were available in the Google Play store had been delivering adware to Android devices for about a year,...
A total of 172 malicious apps were detected on Google Play in September, with more than 330 million installations.
Google has kicked 24 apps off of its official Android app marketplace after spyware was discovered in them.
Security researchers have discovered malicious code in an Android application that has gathered over 100 million downloads on Google Play. read more
The sad, impractical truth about Android app security in 2019.