Security News

Google Helped Twitter Deal With Attacks (GOOG)
2009-08-13 09:11 By Nicholas Carlson Silicon Alley Insider Aug. 12, 2009 Google and Twitter might be cozier than we thought....

Google and Yahoo Sued for Hosting Content That Allegedly Infringes Trademarks -- (ISC)2 v. Degraphenreed
2007-11-20 16:30 By Eric Goldman Technology & Marketing Law Blog November 17, 2007 International Information Systems Security Certifications...

Glitches dent confidence in Google's offerings
2007-01-02 08:37 By Asher Moses January 2, 2007 A serious flaw is discovered in Google's free email...

Google patches Gmail security hole
2005-01-14 08:14,10801,98920,00.html By Matthew Broersma JANUARY 13, 2005 IDG NEWS SERVICE Google Inc. has fixed a bug in its Web-based e-mail service,...