Security News

Crims hacked accounts, got phones, resold them – and the Feds reckon they've nabbed 'em
2018-08-09 20:11

Thousands of mobes allegedly slurped, fenced via phishing, etc A dozen people have been indicted in America for allegedly fencing more than $1m in smartphones and other kit obtained via hacking and fraud.…

The wheel turns slowly, but it turns: Feds emit IoT security tip sheet
2018-08-03 13:05

Alexa! Are you part of a botnet? The US Federal Bureau of Investigation has offered advice on securing Internet of Things devices to prevent "Cyber Actors" using your garage door for nefarious purposes.…

Feds Announce Arrests of 3 'FIN7' Cybercrime Gang Members
2018-08-02 10:47

Gang Tied to 15 Million Stolen Payment Cards, $1 Billion in LossesThree Ukrainian men who were allegedly part of a hacking gang that stole more than 15 million payment card records from U.S....

The End for Fin7: Feds cuff suspected super-crooks after $$$m stolen from 15m+ credit cards
2018-08-01 19:27

Three alleged ringleaders nabbed in EU, indicted in US The FBI has arrested the alleged three leaders of an international crime syndicate that stole huge numbers of credit card numbers – which...

Feds Crack Down on Darknet Vendors of Illicit Goods
2018-06-28 17:03

DHS Agents Posed as Money Launderers, Helping Suspects Cash Out CryptocurrencyFederal authorities have arrested more than 35 suspects on charges that include selling illicit substances via darknet...

Apple iPhone’s USB Restricted Mode gives Feds a cracking headache
2018-06-15 17:08

The next version of iOS looks set to block all communication through the lightning port if the phone hasn’t been unlocked for an hour.

Feds Arrest 74 Email Fraudsters Involved in Nigerian BEC Scams
2018-06-12 08:03

The United States Department of Justice announced Monday the arrest of 74 email fraudsters across three continents in a global crackdown on a large-scale business email compromise (BEC) scheme....

Law forcing Feds to get warrants for email slurping is sneaked into US military budget
2018-05-30 21:35

House slips privacy rules into Senate's files, crosses fingers The US House of Representatives has once again advanced a law bill that would always require the FBI and cops to obtain a warrant...

New law would stop feds from demanding encryption backdoor
2018-05-10 23:38

The Secure Data Act has returned and is lookin' for love US lawmakers from both major political parties came together on Thursday to reintroduce a bill that, if passed, would prohibit the US...

Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie, oi oi oi! Tech zillionaire Ray's backdoor crypto for the Feds is Clipper chip v2
2018-04-27 20:51

Lotus Notes man has a plan... and a patent Analysis Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it, particularly if forgetfulness promises profit.…