Security News

Cyber-criminals steal identity of one of the world's top security chiefs using Facebook
2010-09-20 05:46 By Daily Mail Reporter 19th September 2010 The head of...

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg 'hacked into emails of rivals and journalists'
2010-03-08 06:42 By Mail Foreign Service 06th March 2010 Facebook founder Mark...

MI6 chief blows his cover as wife's Facebook account reveals family holidays, showbiz friends and links to David Irving
2009-07-06 09:23 By Jason Lewis The Daily Mail 05th July...

MoD 'Facebook generation' warning
2008-06-27 06:01 BBC News 25 June 2008 Armed forces recruits from the "Facebook generation" do not take data security seriously enough, a Ministry of Defence...

Israeli jailed for Facebook photo
2008-04-24 08:01 BBC News 23 April 2008 Israel has sentenced a soldier to 19 days in jail for uploading a photograph taken on his military base to the social...