Security News

Europol terrorism investigations data found exposed online (Help Net Security)
2016-12-01 14:49

700 pages of confidential dossiers, which included details about terrorism investigations in Europe, have been found exposed on the Internet by the reporters of Dutch TV documentary programme...

Europol identifies eight main cybercrime trends (Help Net Security)
2016-09-28 15:04

The volume, scope and material cost of cybercrime all remain on an upward trend and have reached very high levels. Some EU Member States now report that the recording of cybercrime offences may...

Europol to get new powers to disrupt terrorists’ online presence (Help Net Security)
2016-05-02 14:58

The EU police agency Europol is expected to gain new powers that will help it fight terrorism and cybercrime, thanks to new governance rules endorsed by Civil Liberties Committee MEPs on Thursday....