Security News

EU approves new data protection rules (Help Net Security)
2016-04-15 13:33

Members of the European Parliament have given their final approval for the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Parliament’s vote ends more than four years of work on a complete overhaul...

EU privacy watchdogs not satisfied with the EU-US Privacy Shield (Help Net Security)
2016-04-14 17:26

The Article 29 Working Party – an advisory body composed of representatives of the data protection authority of each EU Member State, the European Data Protection Supervisor and the European...

European Commission presents EU-US Privacy Shield (Help Net Security)
2016-02-29 20:17

The European Commission – the executive body of the European Union – issued the legal texts that will put in place the EU-US Privacy Shield, a new framework for protecting the fundamental rights...

NSA spied on world leaders, UN, EU officials (Help Net Security)
2016-02-24 18:18

A set of highly classified documents recently published by WikiLeaks show how the NSA spied on a number of high ranking officials of the UN, UNHCR, WTO, NATO, the EU and Japan. The documents...

Week in review: EU-US Privacy Shield, using AI to build an army of virtual analysts (Help Net Security)
2016-02-08 06:27

Here's an overview of some of last week's most interesting news and articles: Fake Amazon survey-for-money offer leads to account compromise "As a valued customer we would like to present you wi...