Security News

Free Scanner Finds 50,000 EternalBlue-Vulnerable Systems (Security Week)
2017-07-13 15:31

More 50,000 computers vulnerable to the NSA-linked EternalBlue exploit were found by a free vulnerability scanner in recent weeks. read more

Eternally Blue? Scanner Finds EternalBlue Still Widespread (InfoRiskToday)
2017-07-13 12:48

Vulnerability Scanner Counts 50,000 Windows Systems at Risk From 'EternalBlue'Enterprises should be working overtime to eradicate "EternalBlue" from their networks since two massive malware...

EternalBlue vulnerability scanner statistics reveal exposed hosts worldwide (Help Net Security)
2017-07-13 02:03

After the recent massive WannaCry ransomware campaign, Elad Erez, Director of Innovation at Imperva, was shocked at the number of systems that still sported the Microsoft Windows SMB Server...

Eternal Blues: A free EternalBlue vulnerability scanner (Help Net Security)
2017-06-30 20:01

It is to be hoped that after the WannaCry and NotPetya outbreaks, companies will finally make sure to install – on all their systems – the Windows update that patches SMB vulnerabilities leveraged...

Free EternalBlue Vulnerability Scanner Released (Security Week)
2017-06-30 16:59

A free tool that can scan networks to discover computers that are vulnerable to the NSA-linked EternalBlue exploit is now available. read more

Windows 10 Mitigations Make Future EternalBlue Attacks Difficult (Threatpost)
2017-06-07 19:25

Now that researchers have built a port of EternalBlue to Windows 10, they've probably only now caught up to what the NSA has had for a long while.

NSA’s EternalBlue Exploit Ported to Windows 10 (Threatpost)
2017-06-06 15:15

Researchers have ported the EternalBlue exploit to Windows 10, meaning that any unpatched version of Windows can be affected by the NSA attack.

EternalBlue Exploit Spreading Gh0st RAT, Nitol (Threatpost)
2017-06-02 18:32

FireEye said threat actors are using the NSA's EternalBlue exploit of the same Microsoft SMBv1 vulnerability as WannaCry to spread Nitol and Gh0st RAT.