Security News

User Errors Often Compromise Encryption (Schneier on Security)
2015-12-17 12:46

This should come as no surprise: users often compromise their own security by making mistakes setting up and using their encryption apps. Paper: "On the Security and Usability of Crypto Phones,"...

New threats will demand new approaches such as micro-segmentation and quantum encryption (Help Net Security)
2015-12-16 07:30

Leading security professionals around the world will adopt a new mindset in 2016, embracing advanced approaches such as micro-segmentation to counter increasingly sophisticated attacks by cyber crimin...

How to eliminate encryption silos (Help Net Security)
2015-12-15 08:58

Working in the encryption business, you’ll quickly learn that there are a number of problems that organizations can run into while deploying the technology. The often-fragmented nature of IT across an...