Security News

European privacy advisor wants encryption without backdoors (Help Net Security)
2016-07-29 15:18

“The confidentiality of online communications by individuals and businesses is essential for the functioning of modern societies and economies. The EU rules designed to protect privacy in...

Amazon Silk browser removes Google’s default encryption (Help Net Security)
2016-07-26 17:53

Google’s good intentions of keeping searches made via its search engine protected through default encryption have been stymied by Amazon. A bug in the Amazon Silk browser, which is based on the...

Demand for cloud data encryption creates CASB market growth (Help Net Security)
2016-07-18 13:00

The global cloud access security brokers market will expand at a CAGR of 16.7% during the period between 2016 and 2024, according to a new report by Transparency Market Research. The overall...