Security News

Privacy is for paedophiles, UK government seems to be saying while spending £500k demonising online chat encryption
2022-01-20 15:06

The British government's PR campaign to destroy popular support for end-to-end encryption on messaging platforms has kicked off, under the handle "No Place To Hide", and it's as broad as any previous attack on the safety-guaranteeing technology. Judging by videos earnestly distributed by organisations supporting it, the No Place To Hide campaign is much wider than merely targeting Facebook Messenger as was previously thought.

UK Government to Launch PR Campaign Undermining End-to-End Encryption
2022-01-18 12:05

Rolling Stone is reporting that the UK government has hired the M&C Saatchi advertising agency to launch an anti-encryption advertising campaign. Presumably they'll lean heavily on the "Think of the children!" rhetoric we're seeing in this current wave of the crypto wars.

Serious Security: Linux full-disk encryption bug fixed – patch now!
2022-01-14 21:58

With FDE, everything gets encrypted, including unused parts of the disk, deleted sectors, filenames, swapfile data, the apps you're using, the operating system files you've installed, and even the disk space you've deliberately zeroed out to forcibly overwrite what was there before. Did you use the right cryptographic algorithm? Did you generate the encryption keys reliably? Did you handle the issue of data integrity properly? Can you change passwords safely and quickly? How easy is it to lock yourself out by mistake? What if you want to adjust the encryption parameters as your corporate policies evolve?

Analyst guide: Encryption solutions buyers checklist
2022-01-11 09:01

Encryption plays a key part in email security, ensure you find the right fit for your enterprise. Finding ways to secure information effectively is a must. This challenge is perhaps never more...

Microsoft rolls out end-to-end encryption for Teams calls
2021-12-14 18:01

Microsoft announced today the general availability of end-to-end encryption support for one-to-one Microsoft Teams calls. "Once IT has configured the policy and enabled it for selected users, those selected users will still need to turn on end-to-end encryption in their Teams settings. IT retains the ability to disable E2EE for one-to-one Teams calls as necessary."

MPs charged with analysing Online Safety Bill say end-to-end encryption should be called out as 'specific risk factor'
2021-12-14 16:00

Britain's Online Safety Bill is being enthusiastically endorsed in a "Manifesto" issued today by MPs who were tasked with scrutinising its controversial contents. Parliament's Joint Committee on the Online Safety Bill published the report declaring the bill would let government ministers "Call time on the Wild West online."

Enterprise email encryption without friction? Yes, it’s possible
2021-12-14 06:45

"Most companies in the encryption industry are pretty hard-coded: They have adopted a specific type of encryption and a specific type of user authentication. We haven't limited ourselves like that, and this is what makes us so well suited for the enterprise space," Echoworx CEO Michael Ginsberg notes. Finally, another big difference between the Echoworx platform and other providers' email encryption offerings is that for the latter, email encryption is part of or an add-on to a larger security product, while Echoworx is a pure play, dedicated email encryption provider.

New German Government is Pro-Encryption and Anti-Backdoors
2021-12-08 19:19

According to Jens Zimmermann, the German coalition negotiations had made it "Quite clear" that the incoming government of the Social Democrats, the Greens and the business-friendly liberal FDP would reject "The weakening of encryption, which is being attempted under the guise of the fight against child abuse" by the coalition partners. Which are already enshrined in the interim solution of the ePrivacy Regulation, for example, "Diametrically contradict the character of the coalition agreement" because secure end-to-end encryption is guaranteed there, Zimmermann said.

STOP Ransomware vaccine released to block encryption
2021-12-07 15:06

German security software company G DATA has released a vaccine that will block STOP Ransomware from encrypting victims' files after infection. While a decryptor was also released for STOP Ransomware in October 2019 by Emsisoft and Michael Gillespie to decrypt files encrypted by 148 variants for free, it no longer works with newer variants.

Webcast: Why your email encryption solution is doomed
2021-12-07 12:35

Have you tried to set up top-notch email encryption and failed? Up-to-date email encryption solutions are in states of constant change with new use-cases constantly being created. Access concerns, privacy regulations, and the challenges of maintaining an exceptional user experience across generations mean your company needs to adapt.