Security News

Hackers use DRAFT emails as dead-drops for running malware
2014-11-06 16:03 By John Leyden The Register 6 Nov 2014

Email hack makes for HIPAA breach
2014-10-16 09:04 By Erin McCann Associate Editor Healthcare IT News October 14, 2014

The greatest John McAfee email ever
2014-09-22 08:24 By Richard Byrne Reilly VentureBeat September 18, 2014

Phishing emails fool most employees. But is this their problem or email's?
2014-09-05 10:09 By John E. Dunn Techworld 04 September 2014

What the Most Secure Email in the Universe Would Look Like
2014-05-13 07:46 By Patrick Tucker Defense One May 12, 2014

Nigeria: Fraudsters Hack NNPC GMD's Email, Advertise Bogus Contract
2014-05-09 20:53 Premium Times 8 MAY 2014

Don't let hackers know Mandiant founder checks his email on an iPad. Oh.
2014-05-07 14:24 By John Leyden The Register 6 May 2014

AOL email hacked: Several users complain about compromised accounts
2014-04-22 05:25,0,6586634.story By Salvador Rodriguez Chicago Tribune April 21, 2014 You've got (spam) mail.

Email Attack on Vendor Set Up Breach at Target
2014-02-13 09:24 By Brian Krebs Krebs on Security February 12, 2014

Yahoo resets passwords after email hack
2014-01-31 08:47 By Jeremy Kirk IDG News Service January 30, 2014