Security News
The latest email phishing campaign targeting Apple users is aimed at gathering as much information as possible from unfortunate victims. The email, made to look like it comes from Apple, bids...
Nearly three quarters of corporate treasury and finance professionals said their companies were victims of payments fraud last year, according to the Association for Financial Professionals (AFP)....
Trust, from both customers and investors, is the most important currency for financial services companies. A breach of trust can break a bank, while maintaining trust leads to long-term success....
A compelling and potentially very successful email spam campaign is being leveraged against UK residents, warns Sophos researcher Paul Ducklin. The email addresses the recipients by their first...
Open source developers who use the popular code-sharing site GitHub were put on alert after the discovery of a phishing email campaign that attempts to infect their computers with an advanced...
A Russian man accused of infecting tens of thousands of computer servers worldwide to generate millions in illicit profit has finally entered a guilty plea in the United States and is going to...