Security News
Tens of email clients, including some of the most popular applications, are plagued by flaws that can be exploited for address spoofing and, in some cases, even for code injection. read more
If you receive an email that looks like it's from one of your friends, just beware! It's possible that the email has been sent by someone else in an attempt to compromise your system. A security...
With the end-of-the-year holidays quickly approaching and many users worrying whether the gifts they bought online will be delivered in time for the festivities, an email from PayPal saying their...
A massive malicious email campaign that stems from the world's largest spam botnet Necurs is spreading a new strain of ransomware at the rate of over 2 million emails per hour and hitting...
U.S. government agencies now find themselves having to comply with Binding Operational Directive 18-01 to enhance email and web security. What are the immediate tasks? Patrick Peterson of Agari...
We all see the headlines about high-profile breaches that started because of a phishing exploit. But how severe is the global email infiltration problem? Patrick Peterson of Agari offers insight...
Data protection startup Vera announced this week the launch of a new product designed to provide organizations full control over the messages and files sent out via email by their employees. read more
Court Document: George Papadopoulos' Emails Reveal Attempts for Trump-Putin CooperationFormer Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos learned that Russia had thousands of pilfered emails...
Nearly one in three major CEOs has been pwned using their company email address, according to a new F-Secure study. In other words, a service they access using their company email has been hacked...
Thirty percent of CEOs from the world's largest organizations have had their company email address and password stolen from a breached service. read more