Security News

Flaw in Dropbox SDK for Android lets attackers steal data sent to users' account (Help Net Security)
2015-03-11 13:09

Researchers from IBM's security team have discovered an authentication flaw in the Dropbox Software Development Kit (SDK) for Android that can be exploited to capture new data a user saves to its Drop...

Hackers claim they have stolen nearly 7 million Dropbox passwords (updated)
2014-10-14 08:39 By Dylan Tweney October 13, 2014

Dropbox received 268 gov't requests this year; none for Business users
2014-09-12 05:04 By Rachel King Between the Lines ZDNet News September 11, 2014

Dropbox confirms it got hacked,	will offer two-factor authentication
2012-08-01 09:15 By Jon Brodkin Ars Technica July 31, 2012