Security News

Why Are Such Warnings Becoming More Common?The Department of Homeland Security has yet again issued a warning about cybersecurity vulnerabilities in medical devices. These warnings have come after...

To build a durable cybersecurity policy encourage trust-building initiatives with business partners, says Cisco trust strategy officer Anthony Grieco.

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Using passive technology is not enough to defeat cyberattackers, according to the experts at root9B (R9B)--active adversary pursuit is required.

Gigamon's Kim DeCarlis on What Needs to be Done Today to Better Secure TomorrowAs recent breaches attest, today's approaches to cybersecurity are insufficient. Kim DeCarlis of Gigamon offers her...

While the Gender Bias in Professions Remains Strong, There Are Indications That Factors Beyond Genuine Aptitude Are at Play read more

In a video interview with TechRepublic, Allianz's Jenny Soubra advised companies looking for a cyberinsurance policy. She recommended buying through a broker and looking closely at policy terms.

The cybersecurity talent shortage is a frequently talked about. Even with the attention, the future still holds more job openings than qualified employees available to fill them. According to...

There is No One Definition of a Cybersecurity Professional and No One Path to Get There read more

A lack of awareness of the field is preventing today's students from pursuing it, widening the cybersecurity talent gap, according to ProtectWise.