Security News

How cybercriminals attack homes, and how to stop them (Help Net Security)
2016-10-21 13:00

At a recent Home Hacker Lab event, an ethical hacker revealed how cybercriminals attack, and what consumers can do to protect themselves. The October 13 workshop in New York City, presented by HSB...

Why the older generation is an attractive target for cybercriminals (Help Net Security)
2016-10-05 13:00

People aged 55 and over are behaving insecurely online and often become the victim of fraud, according to Kaspersky Lab and B2B International. The survey questioned 12,546 Internet users across...

Cybercriminals select insiders to attack telecom providers (Help Net Security)
2016-08-24 13:00

Cybercriminals are using insiders to gain access to telecommunications networks and subscriber data, according to Kaspersky Lab. In addition, these criminals are also recruiting disillusioned...