Security News

The study, which surveyed 150 IT decision makers across the U.S., found that 65% of respondents saw attempted attacks on their cloud environments, and 80% of those participants' cloud environments were successfully compromised. It quickly became evident that the reliability, availability, and scalability afforded by the cloud have become critical to keep organizations up and running, and cybercriminals are taking notice.

The latest scams use phishing emails to deliver remote access trojans to control a victim's computer and steal sensitive data, says Cybereason. With the usual April 15 deadline approaching, a report released Thursday by security provider Cybereason reveals the latest scams against taxpayers and offers advice on how to avoid them.

DDoS attacks reached a record high during the pandemic as cybercriminals launched new and increasingly complex attacks, a Link11 report reveals. The analysis showed a boom in DDoS attacks that were closely linked to the pandemic.

The shift to remote working over the last year hasn't been all bad - it's forced the pace of digital transformation and encouraged many organisations to rethink the way they operate. Even as workforces retreated to their homes, malefactors seized on the vulnerability of endpoints outside the corporate network, as Malwarebytes' 2021 State of Malware Report showed.

It was only a matter of time before cybercriminals turned their attention to one of the most common activities on the internet- a Google search. The latest trick is using long-tail search terms and legitimate websites to deliver the Gootkit remote access trojan.

Two Ukrainians charged for their involvement in a network providing cash-out and money laundering services to cybercriminals have been extradited to the United States. According to the indictment, the two were part of a cash-out and money laundering network offering services to cybercriminals who accessed bank accounts using stolen credentials, and then transferred funds to drop accounts maintained by the cash-out actors.

Cybercriminals have wasted little time in capitalizing on the vulnerabilities that come with remote work, and their attacks have been highly targeted, with a focus on business-related apps, according to GreatHorn. These attacks are increasingly difficult to detect as cybercriminals become more sophisticated and targeted in their attacks - advancing beyond the 'batch and blast' methodology to social engineering phishing campaigns.

Security researchers with threat intelligence firm Gemini Advisory say they have observed dark web activities related to bypassing 3D Secure, which is designed to improve the security of online credit and debit card transactions. Gemini's security researchers say that vulnerabilities in earlier versions of 3DS could have been exploited to bypass security.

A mysterious cybercrime group apparently driven by profit has been targeting industrial organizations in Europe, Asia and North America as part of an information theft campaign. The malware is delivered using spear phishing emails that purport to come from legitimate companies, including from within the victim organization itself and other companies that the victim might do business with.

Overall unique threats in the wild increased two folds from 389 in 2019 to 600 unique threats in 2020. The financial sector is the most proactive and concerned with cyber threats, running 39% of the total assessments performed, and the technology sector is the second most security conscious.