Security News
After a number of devastating breaches and hacks, the sheer size of data lost is no longer the only indicator of severity.
Hackers used email addresses, malicious Word docs, and compromised SharePoint sites to deliver malware.
One in ten of Louisiana’s 5,000 computer network servers that power operations across state government were damaged by this week’s cyberattack, a key technology official told lawmakers Friday. read more
Ongoing Geopolitical Tensions Involving China, Russia, North Korea and Iran are Leading to Cyberattacks read more
The threats follow a DDos attack bent on taking out the Labour Party's online presence.
The sector has been hit by more data breaches than any other this year as criminal groups devise more advanced hacking methods, says threat intelligence company IntSights.
A simple attack on an unpatched server could have been catastrophic for the Utah-based utility.
Reported cyberattacks against K-12 schools in the US have hit 301 so far in 2019 compared to 124 in 2018 and 218 in 2017, according to a new report from security provider Barracuda Networks.
Norwegian aluminum giant Norsk Hydro recently published its financial results for the third quarter of 2019 and revealed that it received its first insurance payout related to the cyberattack that...
The company received $3.6 million in cyber insurance - out of $71 million incurred in damages after a massive March cyberattack.