Security News

At a white elephant party in northern Colorado in December, a friend of mine was telling me that he’d borrowed against his children’s college funds to put money into three different...

The geriatric Bitcoin miner breathed out "spurious emissions" that befogged T-Mobile's broadband network in Brooklyn

Cryptomining malware continues to impact organizations globally as 23% were affected by the Coinhive variant during January 2018, according to Check Point’s latest Global Threat Impact Index....

It's just the latest reported vulnerability for the secure messaging application.

On Sunday, over 4,200 websites around the world started hijacking visitors’ browsers to mine the Monero crypto currency. The attack The problem was first noticed and partly documented by security...

Hacked Script Infects Several Government Sites with Cryptominer read more

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: When crypto-mining malware hits a SCADA network Radiflow has recently discovered Monero-mining malware on five servers...

Stealthy crypto-mining is on track to surpass ransomware as cybercriminals’ most favorite money-making option, and companies with computers and servers that run all day and night long are the...

A new crypto-mining botnet has been growing and targeting Android devices with an open ADB port, Qihoo 360's NetLab researchers reveal. read more

The botnet uses port scanning code from Mirai, a first for Android-related attacks, according to researchers.