Security News

Government-mandated crypto backdoors are pointless, says report (Help Net Security)
2016-02-12 12:27

If you needed another confirmation that government-mandated backdoors in US encryption products would only serve to damage US companies' competitiveness without actually bringing much benefit to the c...

Government-mandated crypto backdoors are pointless, says report (Help Net Security)
2016-02-12 12:24

If you needed another confirmation that government-mandated backdoors in US encryption products would only serve to damage US companies’ competitiveness without actually bringing much benefit to...

Year-old crypto flaw in Socat created a potentially intentional backdoor (Help Net Security)
2016-02-04 09:11

A backdoor has been discovered in Socat, a popular open source network administration tool similar to Netcat, and its unclear how it hasn't been spotted earlier or at the time the backdoor was introdu...