Security News

Hackers Selling Uber Credentials on Underground Market (Threatpost)
2015-03-30 16:57

Uber user credentials are on sale on underground hacking forums, but the alternative taxi company says it has found no evidence of a breach of its systems.

Fake face aging app steals Facebook login credentials (Help Net Security)
2015-02-24 10:30

Offers for an app that can purportedly show you how you will look in 20 years have been recently popping up in Facebook users' newsfeed and on their walls, occasionally even as an ad, luring them to a...

Dating site Topface pays hacker who stole 20 million	credentials
2015-02-03 10:04 By John E Dunn Jan 30, 2015

360 million newly stolen credentials on black market: cybersecurity firm
2014-02-26 08:02 By Jim Finkle Reuters February 25, 2014

Target Hackers Tapped Vendor Credentials
2014-01-31 08:47 By Mathew J. Schwartz 1/30/2014