Security News

Many popular Android apps fail to encrypt login credentials (Help Net Security)
2015-06-22 08:23

Using encryption to protect mobile traffic and especially the exchange of credentials between the user and company servers should be a must in this day and age. Unfortunately, there are companies that...

Plaintext Credentials Threaten RLE Wind Turbine HMI (Threatpost)
2015-06-17 14:01

A week after disclosing a cross-site request forgery vulnerability in small wind turbines manufactured by a company called XZERES, a security researcher has discovered a serious bug in the...

Employee credentials of half of European top 500 firms exposed online (Help Net Security)
2015-06-02 12:15

Cyber attacks and data breaches very often start with phishing or spear-phishing. Access to good credentials is key - whether it's for straight emailing or direct access to target email systems, etc. ...

Default Credentials Lead to Massive DDoS-For-Hire Botnet (Threatpost)
2015-05-12 20:44

Tens of thousands of home and office-based routers have been hijacked over the last several months to stage a distributed denial of service attack campaign.