Security News

Not enough CISOs and business leaders cooperate on a cybersecurity plan and budget
2018-07-11 11:45

With the proliferation of more and more sensitive data, expanding connectivity, and the adoption of automated processes, new research from Accenture reveals that C-suite and IT decision makers...

How CISOs can improve their communication with the board
2018-07-10 15:14

CISOs and board members have very different jobs and business knowledge. Here is how to get everyone on the same page.

The 5 most challenging questions CISOs face and how to answer them
2018-07-10 14:16

Clear communication between CISOs and their boards are key. Here are some of the toughest questions board members ask and strategies to answer them.

CISO Thom Langford's Top Tips for GDPR Compliance
2018-06-22 17:33

Start With ISO 27001 and a Solid Information Security Management SystemWhen communications giant Publicis Groupe launched its GDPR compliance project, CISO Thom Langford says, "it was more a case...

Top 5: Things vendors do that drive CISOs crazy
2018-06-07 18:35

Most vendors probably don't intend to annoy CISOs, but it can happen anyway. Here are five behaviors to avoid.

5 things vendors do that drive CISOs crazy
2018-06-07 17:33

Most vendors probably don't set out to annoy CISOs, but it happens anyway. Here are some behaviors to avoid.

Week in review: How GDPR affects WHOIS, and what CISOs can learn from Tyrion
2018-06-04 01:00

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: CIOs are forced to compromise between faster innovation and perfectly working software An independent global survey of...

What CISOs can learn from Tyrion on Game of Thrones
2018-05-29 11:45

Game of Thrones is a gripping, global phenomenon. One of the main reasons for its popularity is its nuanced portrayal of characters who are not 100% good or evil. Over seven seasons, the HBO show...

How to make CISOs comfortable with cloud security
2018-05-07 11:00

A cybersecurity talent shortage and concerns over data breaches has many CISOs delaying cloud migrations.

Photo gallery: CIO/CISO Interchange inaugural event
2018-04-17 22:03

CIO/CISO Interchange, a new non-profit, non-commercial organization co-founded by Philippe Courtot, Chairman & CEO, Qualys, and the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) was launched during RSA Conference...