Security News

CISOs struggling to prep for security audits
2020-09-16 03:30

CISOs are tasked with preparing for more than three audits on average in the next 6-12 months, but struggle with inadequate tools, limited budgets and personnel, and inefficient manual processes. "This survey clearly shows that CISOs at major companies are caught between a rock and hard place when it comes to security and compliance audits over the second half of 2020 and want automated tools to help dig them out. Unfortunately, they're simply not able to find them," said Scott Schwan, Shujinko CEO. "Teams are cobbling together scripts, shared spreadsheets, ticketing systems and a hodgepodge of other applications to try to manage, resulting in inefficiency, lengthy preparation and limited visibility. More than two-thirds of CISOs are looking for something better."

CISOs are struggling to prepare for security compliance audits
2020-09-15 14:22

Calendars for security and compliance audits are largely unchanged despite COVID-19, but the pandemic is straining security teams as they work remotely, according to the findings of a recent survey by automated audit prep provider Shujinko. The survey of North American CISOs documented the challenges facing security and compliance professionals preparing for a wave of upcoming audits and was conducted by Pulse in late June 2020.

In uncertain times, CISOs have a golden opportunity
2020-09-14 05:00

Today more than ever, CISOs can use their influence to do more than just drive technological change by piercing the silos across the enterprise. In order to validate cyber investment with a cyber budget holder, one must first understand cyber event types the organization may face and the range of business assets and operations in question.

How can the C-suite support CISOs in improving cybersecurity?
2020-09-10 05:00

The shared responsibility in security is closely tied to how employees at all levels perceive the importance of security. How do we get through that dissonance and get people engaged in security?

Why Companies Need CISOs and CIOs as Board Members
2020-09-08 14:55

As companies started to realize the business value digital transformation unlocks in terms of operations efficiency, performance, and quality of services, they began opening new connectivity vectors to enterprise infrastructure and collecting data from machinery and processes and storing and analyzing it in the cloud. As digital transformation and cybersecurity become pillars that successful companies will build their futures on, the time has come to include CISOs and CIOs on company boards.

CISOs should put ad fraud security on their radars
2020-08-20 19:48

Ad fraud security needs to be taken as seriously as other forms of cybersecurity. CISOs must consider the implications of ad fraud security, which the HPE report said is the easiest and the most lucrative form of cybercrime-even above credit card fraud, bitcoin mining, and bank fraud.

University CISOs say zero trust is the best defense against the existential threat of phishing
2020-08-20 18:40

CISOs at Stanford University, the University of Chicago Medicine, and The Ohio State University list phishing as the top security threat to students, professors, and researchers. The group also agreed zero trust is the best security approach but a hard sell in an academic setting.

PepsiCo CISO Joins FireEye Board
2020-08-11 19:51

FireEye on Tuesday announced that Sara Andrews, SVP and Chief Information Security Officer at PepsiCo, has been appointed to the FireEye board of directors. Prior to PepsiCo, Andrews served as Verizon's Chief Network Security Officer, where she led organizations responsible for the security of all Verizon wireline networks serving the company's residential, small business and enterprise customers.

CISOs discuss cybersecurity in the COVID-19 environment
2020-07-17 14:18

CISOs are asked how secure their organization is against cyberattacks. "It's not, how secure are we, it's how ready are we to respond?" said Andrew Stanley, who was one of three CISO participants in the MIT Sloan CIO Digital Learning Series panel discussion Wednesday on "Keeping our organizations cyber-secure in the COVID-19 environment. How secure are we?".

The Communication Imperative for CISOs
2020-06-29 14:08

Collaborate more effectively to improve security operations, even when teams are working remotely. The best days for security technologies and teams are when they aren't seen - when they're doing their jobs to secure the business, employees and customers, without impacting productivity and user experience.