Security News

No Telegram today, protestors: Chinese boxes DDoS chat app amid Hong Kong protest
2019-06-13 15:00

That Guns N' Roses album* might be out soon... or not Chat app Telegram has reportedly been DDoS'd, with its downtime coinciding with protests in Hong Kong against repressive new Chinese laws.…

Huawei Denies Being Bound by Chinese Spy Laws
2019-06-11 04:57

Huawei's cyber security chief told the UK parliament Monday that the Chinese telecoms giant has been advised it was under no obligation to spy for Beijing if so asked by the Communist state. read more

Chinese Military Wants to Develop Custom OS
2019-06-06 12:04

Citing security concerns, the Chinese military wants to replace Windows with its own custom operating system: Thanks to the Snowden, Shadow Brokers, and Vault7 leaks, Beijing officials are well...

Chinese software nasty enslaves stadium-load of servers, puts them to work digging up digital dosh in crypto-mines
2019-05-30 09:04

Nanshou malware hijacked more than 50,000 MS-SQL boxes with rootkits More than 50,000 servers around the world have been infected with malware that installs crypto-coin-mining scripts and advanced...

IEEE tells contributors with links to Chinese corp: Don't let the door hit you on Huawei out
2019-05-29 16:32

Angry boffins start questioning standards body's independence Compsci academics are startled by how the US-based IEEE is complying with American sanctions on Huawei. That includes halting peer...

Chinese Cyber-Spies Target Government Organizations in Middle East
2019-05-29 15:23

Chinese cyber-espionage group Emissary Panda has been targeting government organizations in two different countries in the Middle East, Palo Alto Networks security researchers say. read more

Chinese Spy Group Mixes Up Its Malware Arsenal with Brand-New Loaders
2019-05-27 14:11

New campaigns also show modified versions of known payloads.

US Warns Chinese Drones May Steal Data: Report
2019-05-21 11:34

Washington has warned that Chinese-made drones could be giving spy agencies in Beijing "unfettered access" to stolen data, according to a report in American media. The Department of Homeland...

DHS Reportedly Warns of Chinese-Made Drones Stealing Data
2019-05-20 21:48

Drones May Be Sending Data Back to China, According to News ReportsThe Department of Homeland Security is warning that Chinese-made drones could be sending sensitive data back to their...

Report Reveals TeamViewer Was Breached By Chinese Hackers In 2016
2019-05-17 18:03

The German software company behind TeamViewer, one of the most popular software in the world that allows users to access and share their desktops remotely, was reportedly compromised in 2016, the...