Security News

British Airways Website, Mobile App Breach Compromises 380k
2018-09-07 15:36

The airline said information like name, address and bank card details like CVC code were compromised.

Financial info of 380,000 British Airways customers stolen in site, app breach
2018-09-07 15:12

British Airways has suffered a data breach and has confirmed that personal and financial details of some 380,000 customers have been compromised. About the breach “From 22:58 BST August 21 2018...

Software Vendor Breach Spotlights Broad BA Risks
2018-09-06 18:47

Patients at 11 Organizations Affected by Hacker AttackA recent hacker attack targeting a revenue cycle management software and services vendor, which impacted more than 31,000 patients at 11...

Timehop breach illustrates need for multi-factor authentication
2018-09-05 01:39

Find out why multi-factor authentication is integral for protecting company operations and how to implement it.

Destroyed Computer Hampers Lawsuit In Premera Breach
2018-09-04 11:33

Developer's Computer, A23567-D, Was Tagged End Of Life And DestroyedPlaintiffs in a class action suit against Premera Blue Cross allege the company willfully destroyed a computer that may have...

Data breach reports to Information Commissioner increase by 75%
2018-09-04 11:15

The number of reports of data security incidents received by the Information Commissioner (ICO) has increased by 75 per cent over the past two years, according to new analysis by Kroll. The...

The 'Appropriate' Use of Analytics for Breach Detection
2018-09-04 10:33

The appropriate use of predictive analytics, going beyond a "set it and forget it" approach, could dramatically improve breach detection, says Teresa Grogan, CIO of the consultancy Vertitech IT.

Air Canada confirms mobile app data breach, passport numbers were accessed
2018-08-30 15:57

Air Canada has suffered a data breach and is forcing a password reset on all 1.7 million users of its mobile app, though apparently only 20,000 of the mobile app accounts were accessed by the...

Air Canada resets 1.7 million accounts after app breach
2018-08-30 12:53

Air Canada has been forced to issue a password reset for all 1.7 million users of its Android, iOS and BlackBerry mobile app after up to 20,000 accounts were compromised by hackers last week.

Air Canada Suffers Data Breach — 20,000 Mobile App Users Affected
2018-08-30 07:33

Air Canada has confirmed a data breach that may have affected about 20,000 customers of its 1.7 million mobile app users. The company said it had "detected unusual log-in behavior" on its mobile...