Security News
A new botnet known as MasterMana shows a high level of sophistication with a low cost to execute, according a report from cybersecurity firm Prevailion.
A Slovenian man convicted of authoring the destructive and once-prolific Mariposa botnet and running the infamous Darkode cybercrime forum has been arrested in Germany on request from prosecutors...
Security researchers with SecNiche Security Labs have discovered a new piece of malware that attempts to ensnare Internet of Things (IoT) devices in Europe into a distributed denial-of-service...
Attackers Sending Emails Promising Copy of 'Permanent Record'A week after the Emotet botnet crept back to life, the attackers behind it are already trying a new way to ensnare victims - using...
Researchers: New Campaign Spreading WorldwideThe crypotmining botnet Smominru, which has been around since at least 2017, has resurfaced with a new campaign that has infected 90,000 devices...
The Smominru botnet continues to spread at a fast pace, infecting around 4,700 new hosts daily during the month of August, Guardicore Labs reports. read more
The fake emails direct victims to log into a bogus IRS site.
Insecure Internet-connected devices have aided different types of cybercrime for years, most common being DDoS and spam campaigns. But cybercriminals have now shifted toward a profitable scheme...
New Surge in Activity Spotted After Four-Month AbsenceEmotet, one of the most powerful malware-spreading botnets, is active again after a four-month absence, according to several security...
The WatchBog cryptocurrency-mining botnet is heavily reliant on the Pastebin website for command and control (C&C) operations, Cisco Talos’ security researchers reveal. read more