Security News

Low Barr: Don't give me that crap about security, just put the backdoors in the encryption, roars US Attorney General
2019-07-23 21:38

I don't want to hear about hackers and keys, nerds – make it happen, or we'll pass a law making it happen Analysis If the cops and Feds can't read people's encrypted messages, you will install...

Tech firms “can and must” put backdoors in encryption, AG Barr says
2019-07-23 18:55

He's tired of "dogmatic announcements that lawful access simply cannot be done."

China-Linked Threat Actor Using New Backdoor
2019-07-23 14:31

The China-linked threat actor known as APT15 has been using a previously undocumented backdoor for more than two years, ESET’s security researchers have discovered.  read more

Ke3chang APT Linked to Previously Undocumented Backdoor
2019-07-18 15:48

The cyberspy group's activities are broader than originally thought.

SLUB Backdoor Spreads via Newly Patched Vulnerability
2019-07-17 14:40

The threat actor behind the SLUB backdoor has started abusing a recently patched Internet Explorer vulnerability for distribution purposes, Trend Micro’s security researchers reveal. read more

EvilGnome: A New Backdoor Implant Spies On Linux Desktop Users
2019-07-17 14:19

Security researchers have discovered a rare piece of Linux spyware that's currently fully undetected across all major antivirus security software products, and includes rarely seen functionalities...

Fileless Attack Attempts to Run Astaroth Backdoor Directly in Memory
2019-07-09 15:32

Microsoft says it recently detected and stopped a fileless campaign looking to deliver the Astaroth Trojan to unsuspecting victims.  read more

Backdoor discovered in Ruby strong_password library
2019-07-09 14:11

An eagle-eyed developer has discovered a backdoor recently sneaked into a library (or ‘gem’) used by Ruby on Rails (RoR) web apps to check password strength.

Many Potential Backdoors Found in Huawei Equipment: Study
2019-06-27 17:14

A report published this week by US-based firmware and IoT security solutions provider Finite State shows that Huawei equipment is affected by many vulnerabilities, including potential backdoors,...

Backdoor Built into Android Firmware
2019-06-21 16:42

In 2017, some Android phones came with a backdoor pre-installed: Criminals in 2017 managed to get an advanced backdoor preinstalled on Android devices before they left the factories of...