Security News

How to SSH into an AWS instance
2019-08-15 17:27

Logging into an AWS instance with SSH doesn't have to be a challenge.

The Threat in the Cloud: Phishing Abuses Amazon AWS S3 Buckets
2019-08-08 14:00

An ongoing campaign is hosting its phishing landing pages on enterprise-class public cloud storage services -- a nascent trend meant to throw defenders off.

Russian phishing campaign using AWS to host landing pages designed to avoid detection
2019-08-08 14:00

Assets used as part of phishing campaigns are being hosted on AWS, with heavy XOR obfuscation to limit detection, according to a Proofpoint report.

LAPD loses job applicant details, Project Zero pokes holes in iOS, AWS S3 whack-a-mole continues, and more
2019-08-05 05:14

Plus, Cisco patches up router pwnage vulnerability Roundup Here is a quick roundup of the recent happenings in the world of computer security beyond what we've already reported.…

AWS opens the AWS Middle East (Bahrain) Region
2019-07-31 00:30

Amazon Web Services (AWS), an company, announced the opening of the AWS Middle East (Bahrain) Region. With this launch, AWS now spans 69 Availability Zones within 22 geographic regions...

Former AWS Engineer Arrested as Capital One Admits Massive Data Breach
2019-07-30 13:08

More than 100 million customers have had their data compromised by a hacker after a cloud misconfiguration at Capital One.

SnapLogic Quick Start solution to help orgs quickly build and deploy cloud data lakes on AWS
2019-07-19 01:30

SnapLogic, the #1 Intelligent Integration Platform provider, introduced a new Quick Start solution to help enterprises build and deploy cloud data lakes on Amazon Web Services (AWS) with speed and...

How to create an access key for the root user in AWS
2019-07-12 19:00

Performing tasks with root user credentials opens AWS to potentially catastrophic security vulnerabilities. Creating and managing access keys mitigates the risk.

RiskIQ: Magecart Group Targeting Unsecured AWS S3 Buckets
2019-07-11 20:03

Researchers Find Skimmers Designed to Skim Payment Data in 17,000 DomainsA cybercriminal gang associated with the umbrella organization known as Magecart has been inserting malicious JavaScript...