Security News

Garmin staggers back to its feet: Aviation systems seem to be lagging, though. Here's why
2020-07-27 14:37

Garmin services appear to be in the process of being restored after the company was reportedly hit with ransomware, though its aviation services remain offline at the time of writing. Although Garmin Connect and other consumer-facing apps were gradually coming back to life, according to the company's status page, at the time of writing The Register was only able to access some of its aviation services.

World Economic Forum on Securing the Aviation Industry in the Age of Convergence
2020-01-27 15:46

The World Economic Forum believes that the success - and safety - of the aviation industry is largely down "To the successful balance between regulatory and risk priorities." But times, prompted by the Fourth Industrial Revolution and digital transformation, are changing; and WEF notes, "As technology is changing, so are the priorities of aviation stakeholders and more work is required to ensure optimal resilience." And this is without the additional complications of new technologies such as unmanned aerial vehicles. The work involved interviews, surveys and workshops with industry participants, trade associations, regulators, air navigation service providers, airlines, airports and OEM manufacturers as well as ICT and insurance businesses working with and supporting the industry.

US military swoops into DEF CON seeking a few good hackers for debut aviation pwning village
2019-08-12 16:01

Faulty F-15s, at-risk airbases and much more DEF CON For the first time, Vegas's annual DEF CON hacking conference has an "aviation hacking village", and the US military is scouting around there...

'This repository is private' – so what's it doing on the public internet, GE Aviation?
2019-07-09 16:45

DNS config snafu bares Jenkins instance contents to world+dog GE Aviation managed to expose a pile of its private keys on a misconfigured Jenkins instance that was exposed to the public internet,...

GE Aviation Passwords, Source Code Exposed in Open Jenkins Server
2019-07-08 20:39

A DNS misconfiguration resulted in an open Jenkins server being available to all.

UN Aviation Agency Concealed Serious Hack: Media
2019-02-28 16:24

The Montreal-based United Nations aviation agency concealed for months a hack of its computers and allowed malware to spread throughout the airline industry, Canada's public broadcaster reported...

F-Secure Looks to Address Cyber Security Risks in Aviation Industry
2018-03-19 16:02

Aviation, as part of the transportation sector, falls within the critical infrastructure. While it may not have the same security issues as ICS/SCADA-based manufacturing and utilities, it has...

Aviation-Related Phishing Campaigns Seeking Credentials (Threatpost)
2017-03-31 11:00

Researchers warn of a wave in aviation-themed phishing attacks that aim to steal credentials and install malware.

Disttrack wiper malware hits Saudi Arabia’s aviation agency (Help Net Security)
2016-12-05 17:42

Shamoon attackers with their Disttrack wiper malware have hit Saudi Arabian entities again. The Saudi government confirmed the latest breaches on Thursday, and for now the identity of only one...