Security News

For Defenders, Automation isn't Automatic (Security Week)
2017-06-08 11:06

I’ve written previously about how time to detection (TTD) is a key indicator in the measure of security effectiveness. read more

Cybersecurity analytics and operations: Need for automation and orchestration (Help Net Security)
2017-05-10 14:31

New research from Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) shows that when it comes to the evolution of Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations, 71% of respondent organizations find it more difficult today...

SOCs are maturing, but need more automation (Help Net Security)
2017-05-09 12:55

Security operations centers (SOCs) are growing up, according to a new SANS survey. Respondents indicate the SOC’s primary strengths are flexibility of response and response time, while their...

Software development teams embrace DevSecOps automation (Help Net Security)
2017-03-22 12:45

Mature development organizations ensure automated security is woven into their DevOps practice, early, everywhere, and at scale, according to Sonatype. The adoption of DevOps around the world is...