Security News
Balancing Made EasierIt is a simple fact that strong authentication will impact user experience and effectiveness.
The password has been one of the great inventions in the history of computing: a solution that allowed simple and effective identity and access management when the need arose for it....
MobileIron, the company that introduced the industry’s first mobile-centric, zero trust platform for the enterprise, announced the availability of zero sign-on technology for secure and...
Businesses Are Increasingly Adopting Zero-Trust Principles for Authentication in a Mobile World read more
German banks are moving away from SMS-based customer authentication and transaction verification (called mTAN or SMS-TAN), as the method is deemed to be too insecure. According to German business...
Enabling mobile device authentication with biometric-based access is the best approach to eliminate passwords, according to MobileIron. Percentage of respondents identifying types of...
MFA protocols are a simple best practice for increasing the overall access security of AWS cloud services and could prevent costly security breaches in your enterprise.
It might be difficult to fathom how this isn't already mandatory, but Microsoft Corp. says it will soon force all Cloud Solution Providers (CSPs) that help companies manage their Microsoft Azure...
Fraud schemes have migrated in recent years, exposing inherent vulnerabilities in how most organizations authenticate users. Diego Szteinhendler of Mastercard outlines new strategies and tools for...
As we witness the accelerating use of biometrics throughout our lives, we must pause to consider the risks and ramifications of doing so as technological advancements make it increasingly easy to...