Security News

Android bug lets attackers install malware without warning
2011-09-21 05:36 By Dan Goodin in San Francisco The Register 20th September 2011

Android users hit by lethal Trojan root hack
2011-08-24 07:55 By John E Dunn Techworld 23 August 11

Android app logs keystrokes using phone movements
2011-08-18 05:34 By Dan Goodin in San Francisco The Register 17th August 2011

Android respawn horror: Hacker says hackers' phones hacked
2011-08-15 08:39 By Bill Ray The Register 12th August 2011

Google Silently Patches Android Authentication Flaw
2011-05-20 07:57 By Fahmida Y. Rashid 2011-05-19 Google is implementing a server-side fix to address the...

PCTEL Plans Secure Android Phone for 'Top Secret' Clearances
2011-04-06 05:51,2817,2383072,00.asp By Mark Hachman PC Mag April 4, 2011 PCTEL said Monday that the company had established a supply agreement for the development of a secure...

Hackers Build Android Encryption Apps For Egypt
2011-02-11 09:49 By Andy Greenberg The Firewall Feb. 10 2011 Cellphones may be helping to connect and...

ShmooCon 2011: Your Android's dirty little secret
2011-01-31 07:12 By Bill Brenner Senior Editor CSO January 29, 2011 WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Presenters at the ShmooCon security...

Soundminer Android Malware Listens, Then Steals, Phone Data
2011-01-21 11:18 By Jeremy Kirk IDG News Service January 20, 2011 Researchers have developed a low-profile Trojan...