Security News

Cisco Patches WebEx App for Android, Warns of Unpatched Flaws (Threatpost)
2015-12-02 20:28

Cisco patched its WebEx mobile app for Android, and published advisories warning of vulnerabilities in three other products.

Telegram Android app is a stalker's dream (Help Net Security)
2015-11-30 15:22

Popular instant messaging service Telegram provides optional end-to-end encrypted messaging and, in general, is highly focused on protecting user privacy. Despite these efforts, some security exper...

Spyware/adware combo masquerading as AnonyPlayer hits Android users (Help Net Security)
2015-11-30 09:25

If you suddenly start seeing random advertisements popping up on your Android device, you have likely been infected with adware. But if you're terribly unlucky, you might have also been hit with infor...