Security News > 2021

CNA insurance firm hit by a cyberattack, operations impacted
2021-03-23 23:33

CNA Financial, a leading US-based insurance company, has suffered a cyberattack impacting its business operations and shutting down its website. CNA is considered the sixth-largest commercial insurance company in the USA, according to the Insurance Information Institute, and offers a wide range of insurance products, including cyber insurance policies.

Shankar Arumugavelu joins Seagate Board of Directors
2021-03-23 23:30

Seagate Technology announced that Shankar Arumugavelu has been appointed to the company's Board of Directors and to serve on the Audit and Finance Committee of the Board, effective March 19, 2021. "I am very pleased to welcome Shankar to Seagate's Board of Directors," said Mike Cannon, Seagate's Board Chair.

BlackKingdom ransomware still exploiting insecure Exchange servers
2021-03-23 23:29

Exploit the Exchange bugs to write a booby-trapped web file called a webshell onto a vulnerable server. Although Hafnium attacks were associated with Microsoft Exchange in media coverage, the attacks these crooks were carrying out once they got in were not specific to networks using Exchange.

ACI Worldwide appoints two independent directors to its Board of Directors
2021-03-23 23:15

ACI Worldwide announced the appointment of two new independent directors, Mary Harman and Samir Zabaneh, to the company's Board of Directors. Prior to Bank of America, Ms. Harman held positions at GE Equity at General Electric Company and at Ernst & Young LLP. She also served as Chairman of the Board at Early Warning.

Guilty: Sister and brother who over-ordered hundreds of MacBooks for university and sold the kit for millions
2021-03-23 22:38

A sister and brother have admitted over-ordering hundreds of new MacBooks for "a private university" in Silicon Valley to steal and sell the expensive gear for millions of dollars. Over the course of ten years, starting in 2009, she methodically over-ordered and then sold them on, initially for cash through ads on Craigslist, and then through a man she met through one Craigslist ad, again in cash.

REvil continues ransomware attack streak with takeover of laptop maker Acer
2021-03-23 22:01

Acer sent out the same statement to multiple news outlets, refusing to confirm or deny the attack and only saying companies like it "Are constantly under attack, and we have reported recent abnormal situations observed to the relevant law enforcement and data protection authorities in multiple countries." Bleeping Computer also reported that there are some indications showing the people behind REvil used a Microsoft Exchange server on Acer's domain, potentially making it one of the first times a ransomware group leveraged a heavily publicized vulnerability to complete an attack.

Purple Fox malware worms its way into exposed Windows systems
2021-03-23 20:54

Purple Fox, a malware previously distributed via exploit kits and phishing emails, has now added a worm module that allows it to scan for and infect Windows systems reachable over the Internet in ongoing attacks. Purple Fox's exploit kit module has also targeted Windows systems in the past [1, 2] to infect Windows users through their web browsers after exploiting memory corruption and elevation of privilege vulnerabilities.

Purple Fox Malware Squirms Like a Worm on Windows
2021-03-23 20:37

Malware hunters at Guardicore are warning that an aggressive botnet operator has turned to SMB password brute-forcing to infect and spread like a worm across the Microsoft Windows ecosystem. The malware campaign, dubbed Purple Fox, has been active since at least 2018 and the discovery of the new worm-like infection vector is yet another sign that consumer-grade malware continues to reap profits for cybercriminals.

Security Analysis Clears TikTok of Censorship, Privacy Accusations
2021-03-23 20:27

Nebulous privacy and censorship criticisms about video social-media app TikTok have been swirling for months. Security analysts from CitizenLab are the first to collect real data on the platform's source code, and reported that TikTok meets reasonable standards of security and privacy.

Ransomware gang leaks data stolen from Colorado, Miami universities
2021-03-23 20:20

Grades and social security numbers for students at the University of Colorado and University of Miami patient data have been posted online by the Clop ransomware group. The ransomware gang then contacted the organizations and demanded $10 million in bitcoin or they would publish the stolen data.