Security News > 2019 > October

Chinese state-sponsored hackers are attacking telecom networks to sniff out SMS messages that contain keywords revolving around political dissidents.

Maliciously Misleading Domain Names are Everywhere Online Typos are endemic - everyone makes them. And attackers are betting on that tendency. Who knew that rendering the name of a company’s URL...

Let's all have a code audi- oh, wait, they did that already Encrypted email biz ProtonMail has open-sourced the code for its iOS app, having paid for a code audit that says there's nothing wrong with it.…

Let's all have a code audi- oh, wait, they did that already Encrypted email biz ProtonMail has open-sourced the code for its iOS app, having pre-emptively paid for a code audit that says there's...

Our old friend the Investigatory Powers Act says so A radio ham has been caught eavesdropping on NHS medics' pager messages, translating the signals into text while broadcasting them on the...

Our old friend the Investigatory Powers Act says so A radio electronics geek has been caught eavesdropping on NHS medics' pager messages, translating the signals into text while broadcasting them...

Locating and blocking unwanted open ports in Linux should be a task every network admin knows how to do.

More than half of cybersecurity professionals believe detecting insider attacks has become harder since the migration to the cloud.

Reported cyberattacks against K-12 schools in the US have hit 301 so far in 2019 compared to 124 in 2018 and 218 in 2017, according to a new report from security provider Barracuda Networks.

A newly discovered piece of malware has been used by a China-linked threat group to spy on SMS traffic as it passes through the servers of telecommunications companies, FireEye reported on...